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Stewart Manor School Awarded at FIRST Lego League Long Island Championship

Stewart Manor School's Lego Robotics team thumbnail265185
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Stewart Manor School students thumbnail265187
Stewart Manor School students thumbnail265188

For the third consecutive year, Stewart Manor School's Lego Robotics team has earned well-deserved recognition for their incredible achievements at the FIRST Lego League Long Island Championship.

Guided by coaches Parveen Rampal and James Ristano, the team participated in this year's “Submerged” challenge, where they were tasked with using technology to tackle real-world oceanic problems. Their competition season began at the FIRST Lego League Robotics Qualifier in January, where they earned a second-place finish in the Robot Performance category, securing their spot in the Long Island Championship held on March 9.

At the championship, their hard work and commitment paid off when they were honored with an Engineering Excellence Award. This impressive award is presented to teams that demonstrate not only an efficiently designed robot but also an innovative project solution that effectively addresses the season’s challenge. Beyond technical excellence, recipients of the Engineering Excellence Award must also exemplify core values such as enthusiasm, respect and teamwork. Their innovation project idea was to design a submersible capable of collecting healthy coral babies and transporting them to Bio Rock formations, a creative solution to combat coral bleaching. Out of 30 teams, Stewart Manor’s Lego robot placed seventh on the mission table.

Principal Pamela Stamidis and Assistant Principal Pamela Boyd expressed immense pride. “Congratulations to the robotics team coaches for their hard work, dedication and leadership and to our excellent, super intelligent and perseverant students,” they said. “We are so very proud of you!”

Date Added: 3/26/2025

Stewart Manor School Students ‘Travel’ the World and Learn About Geography

Stewart Manor students standing in front of globe. thumbnail264413
Stewart Manor students standing in front of globe. thumbnail264414
Stewart Manor students standing in front of globe. thumbnail264415

As Stewart Manor School students entered the gymnasium on February 13 they were filled with awe and excitement, as a gigantic inflatable Earth model came into view. The Earth Dome, presented by Mobile Ed Productions, is comprised of 24 panels silkscreened with photographs shot from satellites of the surface of the world.

Scholars in pre-K through sixth grade eagerly “traveled” around the globe, learning about continents, oceans and animals. They also identified deserts, rainforests and the equator. While inside the dome, the classes also received another perspective.

The Earth Dome assemblies were sponsored by the Stewart Manor PTA.


Date Added: 2/21/2025

Stewart Manor School Fifth Graders Observe Chemical Reactions in Science Lab Activity

Stewart Manor School fifth graders in Mrs. Gregory’s class thumbnail264189

Stewart Manor School fifth graders in Mrs. Gregory’s class recently explored the world of chemistry as they participated in an engaging, hands-on science lab.

Working together in groups, the scholars rotated through five separate stations to observe various chemical reactions. Materials tested included baking soda and vinegar, antacid tablets, cornstarch and iodine, food dye and sugar, and baking yeast and hydrogen peroxide. The fifth graders carefully followed steps to collect data while observing changes

in color and temperature, as well as gas bubbles, which are all signs that a chemical reaction is taking place.

This lab activity supports the Next Generation Science Standard for fifth grade, which encourages students to discover physical and chemical changes through experiments.

“This hands-on activity helped the students learn how to work together, investigate scientific questions and analyze their findings,” Mrs. Gregory said.

Date Added: 2/10/2025