Covert Avenue School
Mrs. Mary Natoli, Principal
Mrs. Valerie Donoghue, Asst. Principal
Mrs. Alison Gunn, Asst. Principal
144 Covert Avenue, Elmont, NY 11003
Phone: (516) 326-5560
Fax: (516) 326-0547
Hours: 9:10 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Our Mission: To support, encourage and challenge our students and staff in a collaborative environment that nurtures high educational expectations.
Aligned with Elmont Union free School District’s mission of reaching and teaching for excellence, the Covert Avenue Elementary School Family is committed to creating students who are ready to meet the challenges of our ever-changing world. Together as a community of learners, we design challenging instruction to assist our students reach their personal goals and achieve academic excellence.
In all grades, our students are challenged with rigorous curriculum that is aligned and supports the Common Core Learning Standards. At Covert Avenue, our students are on the way towards college and their future careers!
Along with our academic goals, our Covert Avenue staff and families build character in our students. Special attention is made in the development of the traits which our students will need to become responsible members of society. Together as a school community, we stress and model the attributes of confidence, respect, honesty, citizenship and tolerance. Our commitment to educating the whole child is reflected by the motto that adorns our front lawn, “Children for a Better Tomorrow.” With our entire school community, Covert Avenue students are guided to reach their personal potential and achieve academic success.
Click here to view the Red Ribbon Week Movie.
Click here to view our
Covert Avenue Jan.-Feb. Newsletter